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Past Events

You browse through all our past and upcoming events here.

Intro to Data Engineering: Hands-on introduction to Data (Delta) Lakes, pyspark, and data engineering architectures on AWS
Start: 22.05.2024 @ 18:00

The implementation will be with ETL jobs in the PySpark framework. Finally, some services from AWS that are used for data engineering and some possible architectures that use those services will be shown.

pydata data engineering pyspark Data Lakes
Rust Embedded Intro
Start: 15.05.2024 @ 18:00

After a brief introduction to Rust, how it is better than C and C++, embedded and the Rust ecosystem - we will try to make some hello world programs on different development boards.

rust embedded C C++
Discovering LLM Agents: Tools That Redefine Interaction
Start: 14.05.2024 @ 18:00

Expect some hands-on demos using Azure Open AI and Langchain, and a chat about how you can tweak these agents to fit your needs.

dotnet LLM
LAN42 Vol. 0 - April LAN Party
Start: 20.04.2024 @ 14:00

Join us on **April 20th** at Base42, for an epic night of gaming! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just looking to have fun, this event is for you. We'll be playing some of the greatest hits in gaming history, along with suggestions from you. Registration is now open!

gaming hardware Building PC Donation
PyData Skopje April 2024
Start: 17.04.2024 @ 18:00

We'll demystify the basics of Machine Learning, making it easy to understand even if you have no prior experience in the field. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to appreciate the potential and significance of Machine Learning in today's world.

ML Data Science Machine Learning
Macedonian .NET User Group Meetup April 2024
Start: 09.04.2024 @ 06:00

During the session we will discuss career growth in software engineering through the prism of junior, intermediate, senior engineer.

microsoft azure dotnet c#
PyData Skopje March 2024
Start: 28.03.2024 @ 18:00

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) is one of the newer subfields of Artificial Intelligence itself and is one of those that made it even more popular and from which people realized some of the potential of AI.

AI DataScience Machine Vision ML Machine Learning
Cultural Echoes turns 6
Start: 23.03.2024 @ 19:00

Join us on Saturday, 23.03.2024 for Cultural Echoes Birthday in Base42, a local hackerspace in Skopje.

Urbanism environment NGO culture
BeerJS 0.33, Vol 5
Start: 29.02.2024 @ 17:00

Beer.js 0.33, vol 5! The event is organized by [BeerJS Skopje]( Join us on February 29th, at Base42. Starting around 6:00 PM.

js beerjs beersjskopje react angular
PyData Skopje February 2024
Start: 28.02.2024 @ 17:00

Join us on Wednesday, 28.02.2024 for the PyData Meetup February 2024 , the meet up will be held in Base42, a local hackerspace in Skopje. You will get a hands-on introduction to fine-tunning open-source LLMs.

PyData LLMs ML
AWS User Group Meetup - February 2024
Start: 08.02.2024 @ 17:00

It is time to get the application authorization sorted out! Authorization is one of the foundational needs when building your applications and services. Making sure you can correctly and reliably grant or deny access to your application resources is critical.

AWS DevOps
State of The Stacks I
Start: 31.01.2024 @ 17:00

Join the first-ever State of the Stacks, a very informal panel discussion about the current state of web development, where we’ll talk about the current trends in web development, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and what we can do to improve things.

Web Panel Discussion DevEd
PyData Skopje January 2024
Start: 30.01.2024 @ 17:00

On PyData Skopje this time we will have the opportunity to learn about something new in AI and Machine Learning - NeRFS or Neural Radience Fields, a very intricate technique of generating 3D space from 2D inputs.

PyData Python AI NeRF ML
Global Game Jam Skopje 2024 Jan 26-28
Start: 26.01.2024 @ 17:00

Петок по завршувањето на предавањата, од 20:00 часот ја презентираме темата, пичуваме идеи и оформуваме тимови. Следните 48 часа единствената грижа треба да ви биде што повеќе да експериментирате, дружите, комуницирате и уживате. Во текот на целото време ќе бидат присутни МЕНТОРИ од Galactic Omnivore за да ве насочуваат и помагаат.

GameDev GameJam GGJ
Предавање 2 - Global Game Jam Skopje 2024
Start: 25.01.2024 @ 17:00

Второ предавање пред GGJ Skopje 2024 - Андреа Поповиќ: „Разликата помеѓу гејм ЏЕМ и гејм МАРМАЛАД“.

GameDev GameJam GGJ
Предавање 1 - Global Game Jam Skopje 2024
Start: 24.01.2024 @ 17:00

Прво предавање пред GGJ Skopje 2024 - Данко Димоски: Game Jam unicorns: како и зошто успеаа и каде се сега

GameDev GameJam GGJ
AWS User Group Meetup - January 2024
Start: 12.01.2024 @ 17:00

Come on down for our re:Invent Recap! Marin Radjenovic, Senior Cloud Architect, AWS UG Montenegro leader will be joining us in person at Base42 to talk about all the major announcements from Re:Invent 2023 and to share what it takes to be a part of it.

AWS DevOps
BeerJS 0.33, Vol 4
Start: 21.12.2023 @ 17:00

Beer.js 0.33, vol 4! December 21st, at Base42. Expect an informal event with 30 min. presentations. We’re making efforts to provide (free) some beer 🍻

BeerJS 0.33 JS Web
Intro to 3D Modeling
Start: 14.12.2023 @ 17:00

🎨This Thursday learn the basics of 3D modeling and the creation of interactive, dynamic 3D experiences for embedding on the web. 😍

EESTEC Spline 3D
Game Development in Three.JS
Start: 12.12.2023 @ 17:00

🎉Come to our Game Development workshop at Base42 where you will build a basic web-based video game using a library called ThreeJS. And you don’t know anything about game development, don’t worry, we got you covered!

PyData Skopje - November 2023
Start: 30.11.2023 @ 17:00

Join us on Thursday, 30.11.2023 for the latest PyData Meetup in a while, this time around the meet up will be held in Base42, a local hackerspace in Skopje.

PyData Python ML
Learn How To - Mobile App Development
Start: 09.11.2023 @ 17:00

Officially, the first edition of Learn How To is happening today. 😎 We are starting off with Mobile App Development, come learn how to do modern mobile app development.

EESTEC Mobile Kotlin

Base42 was made from scratch by enthusiasts like you.

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