PyData Skopje March 2024

Start: 28.03.2024 @ 18:00

Join us on Thursday, 28.03.2024 for the PyData Meetup March 2024 , the meet up will be held in Base42, a local hackerspace in Skopje.

Talk: Generative AI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) is one of the newer subfields of Artificial Intelligence itself and is one of those that made it even more popular and from which people realized some of the potential of AI.

We will review the theoretical foundations of the models used in the most current systems for Generative AI, then we will show how some ready-made models can be used, we will demonstrate some results from generated images and music, and we will consider other applications of generative AI.

About the speaker

Andrea Kulakov is a professor at FCSE. At the undergraduate level, he teaches the courses Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Data Science, Fundamentals of Robotics, and Machine Vision, and at the master's level, he teaches the courses Modern Intelligent Systems, Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, and Applied Machine Learning.

Call for presenters

Do you enjoy sharing knowledge and like public speaking? Do you just enjoy sharing knowledge but are unsure how you feel about public speaking? Even if you're not 100% about public speaking, PyData is a very welcoming community and we appreciate any talks about sharing knowledge given by anyone passionate enough to share them.

Sign up to speak on the next PyData:



Base42 is located in a Garage at Rimska 25, Skopje.

Oh... there's also this map:

Base42 was made from scratch by enthusiasts like you.

© 2042