WTS - 🔮 WebDev++ Day 🔮 - Master Advanced Web Scraping Techniques

Start: 12.09.2024 @ 12:00

Join me for an incredible workshop to unlock the full potential of Web Scraping! From novice to virtuoso, you’ll learn advanced techniques for collecting crucial datasets to train AI models.

🔍 Highlights 🔍

Protection Disclosed 🔒

Proxy and Browser Farms Adventure 🌐

This 2-hour workshop will immerse you in the secret world of anti-bot protection.

This workshop is for intermediate developers seeking to deepen their understanding of web scraping techniques and how to overcome protective measures.

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to master these essential skills! Prerequisites

Before the workshop, please ensure you have installed the following software: Python (version 3), Node.js (version 20) and Docker.

Basic knowledge of Python and JavaScript is recommended, but don’t worry if you’re new to it - I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.


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