PyData Skopje November 2024
Start: 06.11.2024 @ 18:00
We invite you to another PyData Meetup - November edition. A lecture will be given by Vasilaki Totsili and Ilija Boshkov from CodeChem. Join us on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 from 6:00 p.m at Base42.
Talk:PyWrap: Python-C++ Interop Bridge
People mostly use Python for machine learning, large data processing, fast algorithmic procedures or numerical calculations. No, almost nobody uses pure Python libraries in these domains. Yes, many people use Python for machine learning because it allows very fast prototyping and problem domain exploration. But none of the libraries used are written in Python. In fact, they are mostly written in Fortran or C++, and only interface with Python through a thin wrapper. Python's performance is completely negligible if the only thing being done with it is calling a function from a library written in highly optimized C++. In this lecture, you will see how it is actually done, as well as the challenges and alternatives that arise from wrapping two languages with completely different applications.
About the speaker
Vasilaki Totsili is a problem-solver, memory-maker and embedded software engineer at CodeChem. In his spare time, he enjoys nature and the never-ending list of unread books. He believes that the most important thing in life is friendship and daily learning of new things. He likes to devote himself to several projects at the same time and often attends rave parties.
Talk: Marvin - A hackable Open-Source LLM Platform
In the second lecture you will hear the story of the development of Marvin - an open source Discord bot that works using the term of the year: Large Language Model. We will go into its (mini) architecture, its significance as a platform on which anyone can build and experiment on new technologies, without using a payment card and expensive hardware. At the end, its further development will be discussed.
About the speaker
Ilija Boshkov is a full stack developer at CodeChem with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Over the years, he has worked on projects from various fields and technologies. He has a great love for programming, loves to contribute to open-source communities and share knowledge.
Call for presenters
Do you enjoy sharing knowledge and like public speaking? Do you just enjoy sharing knowledge but are unsure how you feel about public speaking? Even if you're not 100% about public speaking, PyData is a very welcoming community and we appreciate any talks about sharing knowledge given by anyone passionate enough to share them.
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